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Informazioni di base sulla protezione dei dati:

Titolare del trattamento: THREELINE TECHNOLOGY, S.L.

Indirizzo della persona responsabile: POL. INDUSTRIALE EL MUGRÓN FASE III C/PULIMENTADORES Nº1, C.P. 02640, Almansa (Albacete-Spagna).

Finalità: I tuoi dati verranno utilizzati per rispondere alle tue richieste e fornirti i nostri servizi.

Legittimazione: Tratteremo i tuoi dati solo previo tuo consenso, che potrai fornirci attraverso la casella corrispondente istituita a tale scopo.

Destinatari: In generale, solo il personale debitamente autorizzato della nostra entità può venire a conoscenza delle informazioni da noi richieste.

Diritti: hai il diritto di sapere quali informazioni abbiamo su di te, correggerle ed eliminarle, come spiegato nelle informazioni aggiuntive disponibili sul nostro sito web. Allo stesso modo, potrai anche esercitare il diritto alla Portabilità, richiedendo il trasferimento dei tuoi dati ad un altro soggetto.

Maggiori informazioni nella nostra politica sulla privacy.

Information in compliance with personal data protection legislation
In Spain and the rest of Europe, there are data protection regulations in place designed to protect your personal data that, as a company, we need to be compliant with.
That is why it’s important to us that you clearly understand what we do with the data we request.
We will be transparent and ensure you have control over your data, using plain language and clear options that will allow you to decide what we are allowed to do with your personal data.
If anything is unclear after reading this information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Who are we?
Our tax identification code/tax ID: B02421519
Our telephone number: +34 967318293
Our email address:
Our website:
Why do we use your data?
Generally, your personal data will be used to maintain a relationship with us in order to deliver our services to you.
Your data may also be used for other purposes, such as sending you marketing communications or promoting our services.
We do you need to use your data?
Your personal data is required for us to maintain a relationship with us in order to deliver our services to you. We will provide a series of tick-boxes that will allow you to make a clear and simple decision on how you want us to use your data.
Who will we share the data you provide with?
Generally, only our members of staff who have been duly authorised may access the data that you have provided.
Equally, we may pass your personal data on to other entities where this is required in order to provide our services to you. For instance, we will need to share your data with our bank if you pay for our services by credit card or bank transfer.
We will also need to pass your data on to public or private entities when we are obliged to do so by law. For example, Spanish tax law requires us to provide the tax authorities with information on financial transactions that exceed a certain amount.
Nevertheless, if we otherwise need to disclose your personal data to other entities, we will ask your permission beforehand, providing you with clear options that will allow you to make a decision.
How do we protect your data?
We protect your data using effective security measures in proportion to the risks involved in using your data.
We have adopted a Data Protection Policy, and we carry out checks and annual audits to verify that your personal data is secure at all times.
Will we transmit your data to other countries?
Many countries across the world offer secure protection for your data, while others not so much. The European Union, for example, is a secure environment for your data. Our policy is not to send your personal data to any country that does not offer secure protection for your data.
In the event that we need to send your data to a country that is not as secure as Spain, in order to deliver our services to you, we will always ask your permission beforehand and apply effective security measures to reduce the risk of sending your personal data to another country.
How long do we retain your data for?
We will store your data for the duration of our customer relationship, in compliance with the legislation. Once the statutory retention period has lapsed, we will then destroy your data in a secure and environmentally-friendly manner.
What are your rights when it comes to data protection?
You may contact us at any time to find out what personal data we hold about you, to have it rectified where it is incorrect and to have it erased once our customer relationship comes to an end, provided that it is lawful to do so.
You are also entitled to have your data transferred to other entities in certain situations, under your right to data portability.
If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please send us a written request, accompanied by a copy of your ID, so that we can confirm your identity.
We have specific forms that you can use to exercise these rights, which we would be happy to help you fill in.
For more information about your data protection rights, please visit the Spanish Data Protection Agency website at
Can you withdraw your consent if you change your mind later?
Yes, you can withdraw your consent at any time if you change your mind about how your data may be used.
For example, if you were previously interested in receiving marketing communications about our products or services, but you no longer wish to receive these, you can let us know by using the consent withdrawal form available from us.
How can you submit a complaint if you feel your rights have not been honoured?
If you are not satisfied with how we have handled your request, you may submit a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency, the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos. The agency can be contacted as follows:
  • Website:
  • Address:Agencia Española de Protección de Datos
    C/ Jorge Juan, 6
    28001 Madrid
  • Telephone: +34 901 100 099 / +34 91 266 35 17
  • You can submit a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency free of charge and you do not need the assistance of a solicitor or lawyer.
Do we build profiles about you?
Our policy is not to build any profiles about the users of our services.
However, there may be situations when we need to develop information profiles about you in order to provide a service, commercial or otherwise. An example would be where we use your purchase or service history to offer products or services tailored to your tastes or needs.
Do you use your data for other purposes?
Our policy is not to use your data for any purposes other than those that we have explained. However, if we need to use your data for another purpose, we will always ask your permission beforehand, providing you with clear options that will allow you to make a decision.
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