Linear profiles. You choose: SKYLINE or TURIA.

To illuminate big areas with long hallways, the most suitable products are the ones that provide linear lighting. In our catalogue they are represented by two different models: SKYLINE and TURIA.

To illuminate big areas with long hallways, the most suitable products are the ones that provide linear lighting. In our catalogue they are represented by two different models: SKYLINE and TURIA.

They’ve been on the market for some time now and they’ve had a positive response in various applications. In this article, we would like to help you choose the product that best fits your space.

Every one of them has specific features that distinguish it and the choice of the right luminaire will simplify the installation.

Here we will explain it clearly and with the aid of some images.

Visually, the due products have a similar appearance, but they possess different features and modes of installation that make them more suitable for some uses rather than others.


In summary, we can say that:

  • Continuous line installation SUSPENDED: SKYLINE;
  • Continuous line installation on SURFACE on smooth ceilings: TURIA;
  • Continuous line installation on SURFACE on ceilings with slight unevenness: SKYLINE;
  • RECESSED installation: TURIA;
  • WALL installation: TURIA (with different types of direct and indirect lighting).


All these options make SKYLINE and TURIA really versatile products, with numerous combination possibilities. Moreover, the finish of these profiles is totally customisable and it is possible to paint them of the desired colour and also to have particular effects, such as wooden or marbled.


Below we will show you some examples and pictures of the final result.


  • Continuous line installation SUSPENDED: SKYLINE


The SKYLINE model is perfect for this application, above all if the ceiling is uneven o very high, as it is possible to adjust the length of the suspension cable to compensate any possible variation and place the profiles at the desired height.

For this application we can use various types of fixing to the ceiling and to the profile, even though the most employed option is the decorative one. Moreover, with an appropriate distribution of the linear profiles, we can create different and sophisticated zones.


  • Continuous line installation on SURFACE on smooth ceilings: TURIA


The best choice to place the profiles on surface, in case of completely smooth ceilings, is the TURIA model. In fact, using its different types of clasps, the profile can totally adhere to the ceiling, or we can leave a bit of space in between.


  • Continuous line installation on SURFACE on ceilings with slight unevenness: SKYLINE.


In this situation the SKYLINE model is the most suitable: with its accessories it will be possible to adjust the height of the profile and correct the unevenness of the ceiling. These accessories can be used for hollow, plasterboard, concrete and solid ceilings.


  • RECESSED installation: TURIA


The most appropriate product to create recessed continuous lines is the special version of the TURIA: TLRE. This model has been specifically designed for this kind of installation, so it is completely integrated in the ceiling.


  • WALL installation: TURIA


Linear profiles can also be placed on walls, to make the environment more sophisticated. Thanks to the accessories, specifically designed by our team, it will be possible to modify the tilt angle of the profiles. In out catalogue you can find accessories to place the profile totally adherent to the wall or with a 40º inclination, but we are ready to adapt them to the requests of our customers and offer personalised solutions according to their needs.

If you need this kind of personalized solution for a special application, don’t hesitate to contact our technical team that will design an accessory suitable for your needs.

This board is an example: it needed to be lighted from above, to avoid the reflection of the ambient light and not to interfere with the vision.

Don’t forget that, with the TURIA model, you can place INDIRECT LIGHTING in the upper part of the profiles and install them suspended or on wall.


For further information, don’t hesitate to contact us at the address export.office@threeline.es and we will help you to choose the best solution for your needs.

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